Wednesday, 23 September 2020

 kia 30 nga karamu pata

kia 2 nga pune nui 

momore paraoa 

kia 1/2 te kapu miraka 

kia 4 nga kapu makaroni

kia 1 1/2 te kapu tihi kua


kia 1 te pune nui paraoa 

puehu kua karamuhia kia 2 nga pune nui pahiri 

kua tapatapahia kia iti tonu 

kia 1 te kapu harore

kua tapatapahia

 Preheat oven to 200

One cup of plain flour

Five teaspoons of warm water 

A pinch of salt 

1.add flour and salt 

2. Add and stir a cup of water

3.mix the bread 

4. Put the mixture in the oven 

5. Leave in the oven until the bread browns  

6. Eat while still hot and put butter on

Kia 2 heki.                                                      

Kia ½ te kapu hinu.                                                    

Kia ½ te kapu tokau miraka tepe.                     

Kia 1 nga pune iti ha o te wanira                     .

Kia ½ nga kapu kumara tunu kumara maoa   

Kia ½ te kapu ra tapatapahi

Kia ¾ nga kapu paraoa wholemeal              

Kia ½ te kapu huka paraone                           

Kia 2 nga pune itl namunamua whakaraunu   

Kia 1 te pune iti namunamua whakaraunu 

  Nga whakaritenga     

Whakamahantia te kia 180
nga tohutohu
1 line a loaf tin
with baking papa

Tuesday, 11 August 2020


   Matariki recap

                                 Na Tiare


It was the 24th of July the Matariki Festival was finally going on and our class was hosting this event. 

I was one of the stall holders. I was selling fry bread with my mum. We had the most popular stall  and it was not long before we had sold out.

Mum packed our stall down while I went and brought food. I had fried bread. It tasted bland but the bread had a nice and crunchy to bite to it. Afterwards I had sampled donuts which were very tasty but slightly burnt.

My experience of this event was very good. The entertainment was kapa haka by us, JP2 and Hokitika Primary school . The cool little band were on for half an hour and performed just before karakia whakamutunga
The band consisted of 3 musicians and the crowd really seemed to enjoy their range of music.          

 I was in one of the kapa haka groups. We finished `our bracket and watched another group. I played a bit of    spotlight after then, my mum called me, it was time to leave.

 I will never forget that night and have some really cool memories.

Thank you to all the kaihaka, kaiwaiata, stall holders, Runanga Tauira, WHS staff, our caretaker Vince, whānau and friends of J Te Reo/FTA

Monday, 10 August 2020


He mihi mahana ki te kura tuatahi o Hokitika mo to koutou awhina i te pō Matariki. Ki ahau nei he tino miharo to ropu, he tino waingohia hoki to koutou haka.             

Monday, 3 August 2020


Tino Rangatiratanga flag 

That is the Tino Rangatiratanga flag it was made in 1990 it was designed by 3 activist. The red represents Papatuanuku and the white represents te ao marama the light and the black represents Ranginui the koru the rebirth.                                                        .

This is the united tribes flag  it was made on 24th of march in 1834. There was 25 chiefs that decided  to make this the first New Zealand flag.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Pet rock name: Ling Lling
Personality: Martial Arts Master
Back story…
Ling Ling was born in China. He ia a guard for Xi Jinping and was protecting him from the Europeans. Ling Ling is a Master in Martial Arts and defeated Masters like Ip Man. But he eventually retired to have 3 children and a wife. They migrated to New Zealand.

Ling Ling and I dont have nothing in common, other then we both like noodles and dumplings.